Below I've included a recent poster that I've made to serve as a template. All the technical details of the code that went into this poster can be found in the tutorials on using latex, beamer and tikz. If you have additional questions, not covered by those, please reach out and I'd be happy to modify this post to include those details. The resulting poster looks like this: I believe that the template I started with to achieve this was from Overleaf (open source). Here is all the source code you need to use this as a leaping off point for your poster!
Once you start using LaTeX for documents, the next step is converting to beamer for presentations. This makes it extremely streamlined to convert papers into conference talks, since equations, figures and tables can be copied and pasted into your beamer slides, almost directly. No need to take screen grabs of things from LaTeX (which is a pain if you need to tweak things as you go). You can also use a single beamer slide to generate wonderful posters as well! (See this post.) All of the same typesetting rules/syntax applies from standard documents. For a beamer presentation, each slide is coded in the 'frame' environment (\begin{frame}{<write your slide title here>} \end{frame}). In the template below, I've included a few extras that I think make a presentation stand out from the standard beamer presentation: 1. A 'highlight' font, to also delineate important ideas and titles. You can find plenty of free, open source fonts if you want to change it up here. It is worth noting, that when using a non-native tex font, you must compile in LuaLaTeX rather than TeX or LaTeX. This is a drop down option in TeXShop to the right of the 'typeset' button. 2. You can also easily modify the color scheme of this template in the preamble (the specific lines are below). I find it easiest to define the two (or three, if you feel so compelled, but generally two colors is the cleanest and easiest to execute well). You can find the exact color codes for a majority of schools here. 3. Call out boxes (called 'sticky notes in the code') to highlight information on the slide. The definition of the sticky notes lives in the preamble portion of the tex file (left pane below), the code to use them in the main body of the tex file and how they look is below (right pane). I hope this template is useful and gives you a launching point to make your own impactful slides! When creating presentations remember a few key tips (whether using beamer or otherwise):
In a future tutorial, I'll cover a few more 'advanced' beamer topics that I have found to be useful: making slides to be 'click through', animating slides using tikz, and embedding videos. Keep an eye out for that! Want to see something else related to beamer? Drop me a note and I'll see what I can put together!
Learning LaTeX can be a daunting task, especially when you're teaching yourself and stuck consulting stack exchange for hours on end. To spare others some of those early growing pains, I've created a quick start guide, as well as a template. The template includes the main pieces that I have used time and time again in drafting papers and reports.
3. Figures: You will undoubtedly need to add images/plots/figures to your document and this is pretty straight forward. Similarly to the table example, you first generate the figure environment (\begin{figure} \end{figure}) which will label your figure and give it a caption (if you choose). Inside of this environment, you include an image using \includegraphics[<specify scale, height or width of the image here>]{<specify the path to the file relative to the location of your .tex file>} 4. Equations: For me, writing equations is the biggest selling point for LaTeX. Once you get used to coding up equations, this method is so much quicker than any other equation editor and looks orders of magnitude nicer too. The two main equation environments that I use are the 'equation' environment (\begin{equation} \end{equation}) and the align environment (\begin{align} \end{align}). The main difference between these two is that the align environment allows you to (as the name suggests) align lines of equations, using the '&' key. This is handy for making your equations look cleaner and more organized, or to display an equation that is too long for a single line. Both these environments will by default number your equations. If you do not want a number, you can either include \nonumber at the end of the equation, or, you can use the equation* or align* environments. You can also enter into 'math' mode inline in your document using $ <put your equation code here> $. Using $$ $$ will cause a line break and display like \begin{equation*} \end{equation*}. To serve as a launching off point, here is a template with all the main building blocks that I tend to use regularly. I hope you find it to be helpful!
When starting out with LaTeX, you'll undoubtedly ask yourself, 'But isn't [insert text editor you usually use] so much quicker/easier/etc.?' Maybe it is right now, but with practice, typesetting with LaTeX is quicker and looks more polished (especially when creating documents with lots of equations). In fact, once you get the hang of coding in LaTeX, you'll realize how time-consuming the equation editor in ppt and word really was and how much more streamlined having control over all aspects of the typesetting is. |